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Set up a new plant in Mexico
  View on Mexico City (foto: Conbucon)


Built up new production sites in Mexico

Mexico is one of the countries with the fastest growing industry worldwide, owing to several reasons:
  • Economical union with the US and Canada NAFTA
  • Ports with direct access to important markets in China and Europe (neither Panama nor Suez Canal need to be passed)
  • Very good traffic infrastructure (highways, domestic flights)
  • A broad availability of local and international suppliers, typically very short ways in the supply chain
  • Low cost level (goods, staff, energy)
  • Hotspot of the global automotive industry

We count with long term relationships in Germany and Mexico and know the local circumstances very well. Do you want your company to be among the many who extend their production facilitites to this emerging country, get a key place in the North American supply chain network and grwo with them? In this case, we will consult you regarding the Mexican types of legal entities, the issue of location, infrastructure, recruiting etc.

Office buildings in the center of Mexico City (foto: Conbucon)


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